
Shooting Success at County Competition

Shooting Success at County Competition

In 2007 Northern Norwich District decided to hold a Master at Arms Competition for the Scout Section. This incorporated separate competitions for archery and shooting and it proved very popular with Troops. The event has now taken place for 8 years and the competition between the individual Troops for the two trophies has increased over the years while, at the same time, the standard of shooting has gradually improved.

In 2011Norfolk Scouts introduced a County Shooting Competition and this too has become established as a regular event. Northern Norwich District won the competition in 2013 and was keen to repeat this in 2014.

The District shooting competition had been held in April and afterwards the top 8 Scouts form two mixed Group teams to represent the District at the County event.

The team members were:

Northern Norwich “A” team – Will Storey, Peter Savory and Alex Slaughter (1st Horsford & St Faiths) and Jonathan Jolly (44th Norwich).

Northern Norwich “B” team – Kane Dipple (3rd & 4th Norwich), James Dearden and James Gunn (1st Horsford & St Faiths) and Ben Smith (27th Norwich).

On Saturday 20th September at the County event these young people represented the District. Their individual performances were outstanding as they excelled in air rifle and air pistol shooting. The statistics from the competition demonstrate this:

  • 13 teams took part and Northern Norwich “A” team won the competition, whilst the “B” team were the Runners Up.
  • Out of a possible total score of 1200 the “A” Team scored 946 whilst the “B” team were only 5 points behind them with a score of 941.

To put in context how outstanding their performances were the full results were:

Team Score Position
Northern Norwich “A” 946 1st
Northern Norwich “B” 941 2nd
North West Norfolk “A” 856 3rd
Central Norfolk 1 828 4th
North East Norfolk “A” 815 5th
Southern Norfolk “A” 770 6th
East Norfolk “A” 743 7th
Southern Norfolk “B” 727 8th
Eastern Norwich “A” 671 9th
Central Norfolk “B” 658 10th
East Norfolk “B” 653 11th
North West Norfolk “B” 523 12th
North East Norfolk “B” 497 13th

The performance of the individual scouts was also outstanding. Out of a total of 52 scouts taking part in the competition all 8 of the Northern Norwich scouts finished in the top 11.

For rifle shooting there were a total of 200 points available per participant. Our top scout positions and scores were:

  1. 173 points – James Gunn
  2. 171 points – Peter Savory
  3. 169 points – Will Storey
  4. 165 points – Kane Dipple

For Pistol shooting a total of 100 points were available. Jonathan Jolly scored 88 points and on one target scored 46 out of 50 while Will Storey was very close behind with a score of 84.

These individual scores gave Northern Norwich three scouts in the top 4 in the competition with:

  • Will Storey the overall individual competition winner with a total score of 253.
  • James Gunn finished 3rd with a score of 249 points
  • Kane Dipple was 4th with a score of 240.

Trophies for the success were awarded to the team members by Trevor Orford, Assistant County Commissioner (Scouts).

To view all of the photos from the competition, visit the photo gallery.

20th September 2014     News, Scouts

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