Its an exciting time to join the district team as we build the leadership to prepare for the upcoming transformation within scouting
I am looking to recruit an ADC Section Support (Beavers) for an interim period until the new roles are announced
You will be responsible for inspiring, leading and supporting the development of the Beaver Scout section in Northern Norwich. You’ll be working closely with our Assistant District Commissioner (Programme) and be a key person in the growth of Beaver Scouting in Northern Norwich
I am also looking to recruit an Explorer Scout Leader (Young Leader) for an interim period until the new roles are announced
The Explorer Scout Leader (Young Leader) is the Section Leader for an Explorer Scout (Young Leader) Unit. They are responsible for developing and ensuring quality training and supervision of Young Leaders within the District working alongside the DESC, This includes ensuring that this provision is open to all Explorer Scouts in the District. This may be done with the help of Assistant Leaders, Section Assistants and members of Scout Active Support as appropriate. Some of the tasks for which the Explorer Scout Leader (Young Leader) is responsible may be delegated to others in the Unit, including Assistant Leaders and Section Assistants.
If you are interested in either of the roles or require a detailed role description please do get in touch, there will be further exciting roles becoming available on the district team as transformation progresses and I will be looking for volunteers to fill these roles as we build a bigger and better experience for the young people in Northern Norwich
Paul Bean
District Commissioner
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