
Cubs go to Kingswood

Cubs go to Kingswood

Seven packs joined together to celebrate 100 years of Cub Scouting at Kingswood, West Runton.

Activities enjoyed by 69 Cubs and some of the more daring leaders (or was it foolhardy leaders!) included: fencing; aeroball (which is playing basketball on trampolines); caving; quad bikes; abseiling; leap of faith; low ropes and bouldering as well as problem solving and a film night.

Many of the Cub 100 challenges were completed as well as ordinary challenges and some of the youngsters achieved their personal challenges in overcoming fears.

One group invested a new cub in the caves and we all renewed our Cub promise.

There were many very tired cubs as we handed them back to their parents on the Sunday. The leaders were really proud of their cubs and their achievements, as they really had “DONE THEIR BEST”.

23rd May 2016     Cubs, News

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