
Cubs Celebrate 100 Years

Cubs Celebrate 100 Years

The Cub centenary celebrations ended this week when Cubs from the District came together at St Catherine’s Church Hall, Aylsham Road, Norwich on Friday 16th December 2016 to renew their promise at 19:16.

The evening brought an end to a fantastic year of events to mark the centenary of the Cub Section (originally called Wolf Cubs) which was started in 1916 by Lord Baden Powell to offer scouting to younger boys after the success of scouting with their older brothers and friends.

First there was a slide show of photographs from the many events which had taken place in the District during 2016.  These included Cubs from the 1st Drayton attending a national event and sleepover in ZSL London Zoo; a camp in April at Kingswood Activity Centre; an Activity Day at Reepham in July; the “Do Your Best” awards in November and numerous special camps and activities organised by section leaders.  The cubs then related events which had taken place in the world in each of the 10 decades since the Section was formed and some of the Cubs recognised in the “Do Your Best” awards were then presented with certificates.

Afterwards there were games, before two Cubs from the 1st Spixworth and 16th Norwich Scout Groups were invested by Judith Pryke, the ADC Cubs, as part of the national promise renewal.  The promise was also taken using sign language and semaphore and we heard it transmitted by Morse Code.  As with any party everyone enjoyed birthday cake before finishing with a Grand Howl.

During the 100 years since Cub Scouts started there have been changes to the uniform, programme and badges, as well as the opportunity for girls to join the fun, but some things have not changed; the enthusiasm of the Cubs to embrace the opportunities offered and the dedication and commitment of the adult volunteers who work tirelessly to offer the opportunities to the Cub Scouts.

Thanks to Judith Pryke, Assistant District Commissioner (Cub Scout) and the team of leaders from the District who help in the delivery of the many events of 2016 and all the Cub leaders for their support.

Photographs from the event will be posted shortly.

18th December 2016     Cubs, News

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