
A Partnership with Nelson’s Journey

You will have seen in the County Updates an item regarding a partnership between Norfolk Scouts and Nelson’s Journey to provide Scouting opportunities to the children and young people supported by Nelson’s Journey.

It’s a privilege to be involved as host District in such a project and we look forward to the official commencement of 1st Smiles Scout Group.

As you might imagine there is much to discuss – not least of all regarding the logistics of offering Scouting to the children and young people across the County – and as the operation of this aspect (and others) becomes clearer I will provide further updates.

So you are aware, we have a ‘Welcome to Scouting in Norfolk’ meeting which is taking place at EVAC on Tuesday hosted by the County Team to give an overview to representatives of Nelson’s Journey and specifically those who have expressed an interest in being involved in the new Group.

At this meeting I’ll have the opportunity to chat in more detail with the appointed Group Scout Leader who of course is a welcome addition to our Team.

I hope at the Team and GSL meeting on the 1st of April to give you more detail regarding the project and answer any questions you and your Teams might have.

In the meantime please do share this great news with your Teams, and it goes without saying if any of our/your volunteers feel they would like to get more involved – please do encourage them to get in touch with me.

With kindest regards,


Also see the article in the Eastern Daily Press.

21st March 2019     Members News

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