Northern Norwich District has received praise from the Chief Commissioners for the growth in our youth membership during what had been an extraordinary year.
The letter received is down below, but here’s the text:
A very belated but sincerely heartfelt thank you for your incredible efforts leading your team to successful growth in our 6-18 membership, as recorded on this year’s census, all those months ago back in January. You trotsky are a #GrowthChampion. Although the world has moved on since then and we’ve all faced new challenges which none of us could have foreseen, we felt really strongly that your efforts during 2019/20 deserved recognition and, after such a difficult year, perhaps the enclosed 2020 Limited Edition Team England Scout Minifig will bring an ever bigger smile than it might normally.
You and your team are at the forefront of our success. Now, more than ever, the work that you do to lead and develop Scouting locally is so vital. The impact and value of Scouting as part of a young person’s journey through life has become more apparent than ever with restrictions ionised this year taking a real toll for everyone, but especially our young people. Developing their Skills for Life so we can create stronger communities and inspire positive futures is exactly what our country needs as we work to move forward from this difficult year.
Once again, thank you so much for all the great things you are doing, we are so grateful. If we can help you in any way, then please let us know.
Warmest wishes and go to see you soon,
Alex Peace-Gadsby and Sam Morris
Chief Commissioners of England
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