Following circulation regarding this opportunity, with role description and nomination form I’m pleased to confirm that Steve Reynolds has agreed to move into this role effective 1 March 2022.
I know his commitment to the discipline will give not only our adult volunteers great support as a team but offer our young people in the District opportunities to improve, develop and compete.
Steve will maintain a database of our volunteers in the District who hold the NSRA (or accepted by Scouting equivalent) certification. This will ensure any Groups wishing to offer ‘shooting’ as an activity but who may not be fortunate to have appropriate volunteers as part of their own team, have a point of reference to arrange this for their Troop/Unit.
With a District Shooting Advisor in place, we can ensure our NSRA qualified volunteers are also reliably kept up to date with any changes, they can be supported in the activity/discipline themselves and renewals etc can be tracked more efficiently.
As a result of Steve taking on the District Shooting Advisor role, he will retain his DAC Activites role as these compliment each other very well but will step down from DAC Events. District Scouters looking for support in organising District led events will be well supported by the District Team in the interim.
I’m sure Steve will share the news with those volunteers in our District who hold the NSRA (or accepted equivalent) in due course, but please do share this news with your teams.
Many thanks and kind regards everyone,
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