Following on from my recent email 10th January regarding the provision for our Young Leaders in the District.
Thank you to those of you who have already responded and confirmed the Young Leaders who you have supporting your Sections at respective Groups in our District – this has been really helpful and I feel some real progress has been made to ensure we have an accurate database/record of our YLs. Thank you.
I hope those of you who have yet to confirm can do so in due course, as it is now our aim is to communicate the YL Training Programme for 2019 to our YLs to ensure all have the opportunity to access the training being provided this year.
What is attached:
YL Training Programme for 2019,
YL Scheme information – Q&A – which you might find useful to share with your Leadership Teams,
Registration Form – to be completed when a new YL begins working with a Section,
Placement Agreement – again to be completed when a new YL begins working with a Section.
Please would you display, promote the training available to the YLs you have working with you – we’re hoping with the advance notice of the programme that the YLs will have ample time to organise their diaries!!
There are a number of new YLs you’ve confirmed in our recent email communications when verifying our database with who you have at Group – and I will contact you individually to confirm for which YLs the Registration Form is outstanding.
Completion of the Registration Form is crucial as it will provide us with the contact details needed to update the YLs with the Programme etc etc so your help in getting these completed and returned would be appreciated.
I’d like to thank those of you who, in responding to confirm your YLs, have also offered your help and support in the delivery of the Programme Modules – this is very much appreciated and I know we’ll be in touch! Chris (R) has been putting together the paperwork for the two sessions coming up – Feb and March and she will be circulating this information shortly. A massive thank you to Chris R – without who’s help over the Christmas period we wouldn’t have got this far with our plans!!
We feel it is important to have the opportunity to chat with the YLs regarding the YL Programme to get their views on what form they think the training should or needs to take and their views on timing of modules will be invaluable if we want the sessions to be well supported in the future so we are hoping to gather their opinions at the first sessions in February when we will run an informal forum and provide a light lunch.
At the moment the administration of the YL Scheme in the District is ‘on paper’ and maintained on excel in spreadsheet form. It would be great if, in the not too distant future we could administer the scheme using OSM which would make communications and record keeping that bit easier.
In the meantime though it is our priority to get the scheme up and running so despite the completion of paper forms and returning them by hand or post etc seeming archaic please do bear with us – the YLs themselves are our priority initially and we will look to move the admin into the 21st century in due course.
That’s enough from me for now, I’ll be in touch re outstanding Registration Forms in due course and Chris will be circulating the details regarding the Feb and March training.
If you have any questions regarding the YL Scheme or suggestions etc – don’t hesitate to get in touch!
Kindest regards,
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